The anti-rotation component to the pallof press can be replicated in a laying position, this enables a vast amount of the lower limb stabilising force to be negated and can be an excellent addition to programs that require you to not have weight through your feet.
The crook laying position allows you to generate the smaller amount of stability required for the exercise which functionally will still require some force from the glutes. Therefore this may be a useful option with this spiral type of load transfer in mind.
Other cues
Do not hold your breathe
Drive heels into the floor
Control speed throughout
Slightly pause at the punch position
Targeted muscles trained
Internal obliques
External obliques
Posterior deltoid (furthest hand)
Key movements trained
Anti-lumbar rotation
Load transfer across the pelvis
Shoulder stability
Recent shoulder injuries or significant weakness in the rotator cuff may limit this exercise and make therefore may require the reaching part of the exercise is reduced to a shorted range.
If you wanted to really exaggerate glute activation with the exercise then lifting the hips into a glute bridge may be a great options.
This may be a good option for those wanting to have an anti-rotation exercise in their program but cannot weightier through the lower limbs.