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Explaining the Frontal Plane
Movement 101: Introducing the frontal plane, the plane of motion that dominates side-to-side movements & stabilises so much more
Explaining the Sagittal Plane
A first step in helping you understand movement and muscle contributions to moving you forwards, backward & upwards. AKA the sagittal plane
Planes of Motion: An introduction
Looking at movement & dance through a scientific lens will help support your exercise selection to optimise your outcomes & resilience
The effects of eccentric strength training on flexibility and strength in healthy samples
Do eccentric strength exercises enhance strength AND flexibility measures? If so then a missing part of flexibility programs has been found
Resistance training induces improvements in range of motion: A systematic review
How does resistance training compare to stretch training for range of motion gains? This systematic review has a deeper look into it
Eccentric resistance training & passive joint range of motion
Is using types of strength training to improve range of motion a thing? You bet it is. See an outline on how this concept is tested
Comparison of gluteal and hamstring activation during 5 commonly used plyometric exercises
Not all plyometrics are created evenly, here they looked at 5 exercises & compared how the hamstrings and glutes worked in each in 2 phases
Foam rolling acute effects on myofascial tissue stiffness & muscle strength. A systematic review
Starting to demystify foam rolling to help you understand what it really does for you. Here's a clue, it doesn't break down scar tissue
Integrating arm movement into bridge exercise: Effect on EMG activity of selected trunk muscles
The bridge exercise sometimes requires progression but without loading, here they looked at how arm movements does just that
The effect of restriction pressures on the acute responses to blood flow restriction
Blood flow restriction training is widely used, especially for those with joint related injury history. But how much restriction is enough?
Squatting article
Showing you how squatting at different affects will affect which muscles you develop and by how much
Eccentric muscle contraction
Premium Blog Post: An explanation of the lengthening-under-tension phase of muscle contractions, associated with muscle gain
Energy balance and body weight article
Breaking down how the ANS affects body fat storage and your body weight
Strength training in dancers
Shows us just how strength training is perceived in the dance sector.
Squatting & bands article
Article Review: Showing us how using resistance bands may alter muscles used during the back squat.
Training monitoring article
Article Review: How Reps in Reserve may be a good way for your to measure exercise intensity.
Rotator cuff strengthening article
Article Review: Helping to optimise your rotator cuff exercises for improved shoulder health.
Hamstring exercise selection article
Article Review: Teaching us more about the most prominent type of hamstring strain
Jump & power development article
Article Review: Shows how different methods of training affects female collegiate dancers jumping.
Wellness monitoring article
Article Review: How subjective wellness scores are useful in college football. Can dancers use them?
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