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Lateral Lunge - Goblet

The lateral lunge pattern is commonly used and can be loaded in multiple ways. Using the goblet pattern moves your centre of mass forwards and therefore increases the work into your thoracic extensors to maintain an upright, braced trunk. The intent of the movement is key to optimal execution, by absorbing your bodyweight in the lead leg and using that to drive from the bottom of the lunge you will ensure that you are getting the full benefits of the eccentric contraction which will better prepare you for lateral last movements when you require them

Other cues

Landing foot position will differ between people

Keep the trail leg straight throughout

Control the down phase

Drive the propulsion phase (up phase) with the opposite shoulder

Targeted muscles trained


Adductor brevis

Adductor longus

Adductor magnus

Tensor fasciae latae

Gluteus medius

Gluteus maximus

Internal obliques

External obliques

Thoracic extensors

Anterior deltoid


Key movements trained

Hip adduction & anti-adduction

Hip anti-abduction

Hip extension

Knee extension

Lumbar anti-lateral flexion

Hip lateral stability

Knee anti-valgus


The list of working muscles is long as this pattern is lateral movement, working in the frontal plane but front loaded so puts more emphasis on the sagittal plane muscles to help stabilise and control the load in the sagittal direction. These same muscles often have tasks within frontal or coronal (rotation) plane movements therefore it may challenge them in multiple ways.

You may have noticed the hip anti-abduction and anti-adduction properties of this exercise, the reason these are listed is because as the foot makes contact with the ground these muscle co-contract to create a stable hip and knee. During the propulsion phase the adductors will then create an adduction force to propel you back to the start position.

Maintaining a controlled trunk is key in this exercise, therefore creating the bracing around the area to stop any swaying is key to executing the exercise effectively. This will ensure no added stress is put into the hip to compensate for a poorly controlled trunk.


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